Wednesday nights - ENERGY

During the school year, each child is assigned to a color group.  Color groups will stay in one location for two consecutive weeks.

  Our Wednesday night rotations keep us moving and active while learning the Bible Story theme for the six-week rotation!


Students will reenact the Bible story through drama – complete with costumes, lights, and all!  What better way to experience what the characters were feeling and thinking than to actually “walk” and “talk” just what happened!!

Art, Science, & Cooking

Students will use their hands to cook, create, learn, and experience the Bible story.  Our goal is that through experiences the knowledge of the Bible will stick long after the story is told.


We will be using various games to help the students review the entire Bible story.  Our children that learn through being active will really benefit and enjoy this rotation!

Sunday mornings - energy

Students continue in their color groups on Sunday morning rotations.

Geography & Culture

Our students will learn the culture of what was happening in the world during the Bible story and also where in the world this story took place.  The students will also use a timeline to help them understand how this particular story fits into the “big picture” of the Bible.

Music & Memory

Through the use of song and music games, our students will memorize the Bible and its concepts.  Our hope is that by the time our students leave 5th grade, they will have 60 plus verses in their heart.


Through various storytelling techniques, the Bible story for the six-week rotation is presented in its entirety.

Worship, prayer & hiding god's Word in our hearts

Sunday's - 9:30 to 9:45AM

Students spend the first 15 minutes learning and memorizing God's word.  Our hope is that these verses are "hid" deeply in their hearts and will surface the rest of their lives as the Spirit guides them.

Wednesday's - 7:00 to 7:15PM

We enjoy family time together as a group of elementary students.  We worship and pray together before we are dismissed to our rotations